In The Spirit of Business
In The Spirit of Business
#1 Dr. Jessica Schmeiss - Spirit, Blockchain & Social Networks
In this episode, I had the pleasure of talking to Dr. Jessica Schmeiss. We spoke about her path from working at Google when her soul’s voice said: “Get out! Now!”. How she left that all behind, met her spiritual teacher and community and finally, went full circle. Now she’s back at a big tech giant - Facebook - weaving the different worlds. We talk about her spiritual practices and how she brings them to her work. We touch on her experience channeling her Ph.D. and the re-discovery of her spirit guides that she shut out as a child to fit in better, as well as the importance of her support networks (inside and outside of Facebook) while integrating the different worlds.
Jessica worked at Google, was a Researcher at the Alexander von Humboldt Institute covering projects at the intersection of social innovation, platform design, and emerging technologies.
She didn’t only write, but channeled, her Ph.D. about governance mechanisms and blockchain.
Now, she works at Facebook, where she supports the organizers of key communities who use the Facebook platform for their groups.
She worked with her teachers Anjuna Saran and Za Rah Kumara over the last five years, diving deep into the practices of yoga, chanting, energy, and light work. She organized events and trainings and has her own unique practice of embodiment and meditation that she shares with her community.
During the recording of this episode, I was in a loghouse in the New Zealand countryside shortly after the Coronavirus lockdown restrictions got lifted, while Jessica dialed in from her shared office in Berlin.
Here the links to the mentioned people and resources:
Agape Zoe Festival
Za Rah Kumara
The Wise Heart by Jack Kornfield
Autobiorgraphy of a Yogi by Paramhansa Yogananda
Becoming Supernatural by Joe Dispenza
Deepak Chopra